I continue to be fascinated by the energetic pull of the moon and how it affects the cycles of our planet, our moods, and our personal & collective momentum. Isn’t it curious that we talk about every full moon as if it’s some mysterious anomaly and yet they happen 12 or 13 times a year?ContinueContinue reading “MOMENTOUS LEO MOON”

This Magic Moment

This new moon in Pisces on Sunday 2/23 will have us experiencing all the feels! The good news is the mood of this shadowy time will be heartfelt and dare I say, a little bit mushy. These cosmic ingredients will act as a truth serum so don’t be surprised if confessions of love and earnestContinueContinue reading “This Magic Moment”

Checking Your Spiritual Inbox

This time of year has not always been my favorite. Some people love the fall. They love the longer nights and chill in the air. Not me! It’s hard to for me to let go of the warmth of the sun. I’m a Leo rising and with the sun as it’s ruling planet I can see how I would feel energetically trepidation for the shortening of the days.

What is it about Gwyneth and Goop?

Some of you may be aware that I am listed in The Goop Guide to Energy Healers, Intuitives & Mediums. Some of you may also be aware that Netflix just released a new documentary series called The Goop Lab where Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop team take a look at wellness topics that are little shall we say, controversial!? ThisContinueContinue reading “What is it about Gwyneth and Goop?”


The last full moon of 2019 will occur early on Thursday 12|12|19 at 12:12 AM EST. Because it’s the last full moon of the decade, if you follow numerology and | or astrology you already know, this is a cosmically potent day. I am not an astrologer nor a numerologist, however, I appreciate both ofContinueContinue reading “Twelves”

Last Days Of Retrograde

Mercury began its last retrograde cycle of 2019 on Halloween and goes direct on November 20th. This little planet that orbits closest to the sun has gotten a bad rap in pop-culture when it goes retro, but there are some really great reasons to like it. We know that Mercury is the planet of communication.ContinueContinue reading “Last Days Of Retrograde”

Roaring Moon

Ahh Leo season! It’s time now to bask in the fiery energy of Leo and dry off from the watery vibes we just experienced in Cancer.  Last month there was a lot of opportunity for healing as deep emotional wounds got coaxed to our conscious, imploring us to “do the work.” If you heeded theContinueContinue reading “Roaring Moon”

May the Force Be with You – even if it’s the force of resistance…

There are many ways to move through your own resistance. The biggest challenge is identifying the resistance in the first place. Resistance is usually part of our story that we unconsciously keep alive through daily habits and patterns of behavior. It’s often hiding in plain sight!

Here are 5 easy steps to identify and move through your resistance.