Cold Moon Rising

The more I dive into the work of energy and intuition the more a recognize that we truly do create our own reality from the centers of belief we hold in our own energetic body. The tides of changes ebb and flow just as the moon waxes and wanes and we can utilize the energy of the cosmos to assist us in our manifestation process. 

It’s important to understand that we are not at the mercy of anything external in our environment. We can however experiment with the above or the outer world and bring inside of us to harness the spark from Source.

The full moon is the illumination of the shadow self. It will show us, if we inquire, what is needed to be released in order to make room for and align with that which we are desiring to evolve.

This “cold moon” we will experience on December 19th will be the longest full moon of the year as well as the last one. Because the nights are longer right now as the winter solstice approaches on December 21st, we have the opportunity to relish in the darkness, the internal world that’s void of light. For it is in this vastness where we connect to the divine. 

This weekend take time to meditate on what you want to release in order to live a fully integrated life. Ask yourself the deeper questions and get real with that part of you that you may be hiding from yourself. 

When we work with the energy of the Universe, it’s important we don’t succumb to someone else’s idea of what it means. We get to make our own meaning out of everything in our life. If you are reading horoscopes and believing them to be true without question then you are relinquishing your power. Always ask yourself “is this true for me?” And if it is, that’s awesome! Integrate it, but if it’s not let that acknowledgement align you with your personal l truth. It will ignite in you the trust you are having for your own heart. This is way more powerful than any astrologers interpretation of your sun sign. 

We do rituals to empower us. If you are feeling disempowered then it’s a call for you to go deeper into yourself so you can transmute that energy of lack and separation into a higher vibration of your true connection to the oneness of all that is. We are the oneness personified and we get to decide what we want to create. 

Ask yourself what more can a release that isn’t true about myself to get closer to me then write it down and if you feel called to you can burn the paper and be aware that in the burning the energy of the old is being released making room for what you desire in your life. 

Love and gratitude for the self awareness  that you continue to gain by asking yourself the deeper questions and being candidly honest with yourself about what you need to release will serve you well as you move though your continued journey of self discovery.

Published by Stacey Justis

I am a spiritual intuitive, musician, writer, tarot card reader, energy healer and lover Listed in Goop Guide as“Refreshingly laid-back and smart, equal parts straight-up psychic and intuitive life coach.”

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