This Magic Moment

This new moon in Pisces on Sunday 2/23 will have us experiencing all the feels!

The good news is the mood of this shadowy time will be heartfelt and dare I say, a little bit mushy.

These cosmic ingredients will act as a truth serum so don’t be surprised if confessions of love and earnest apologies are the order of the day.

Mercury is retrograde right now (until March 10th), and it’s also in the planet of Pisces. Normally new projects would not be on the menu during a retrograde, but this new moon energy beckons our imagination so you may find grand ideas are coming to you at warp speed.

Keep track of your objectives through journaling and list making then when Mercury goes direct, take action on the ones that stick.

The aspects of this time will also have you tapping into the self-confidence you may have been lacking previously and you will want to move your ideas forward.

Revisiting unfinished projects with fresh eyes will allow you to take action from a different perspective than before.

This will leave you feeling hopeful and courageous in your ideas, which gives you that extra push you need to put yourself out there and actually finish what you started. 

The forecast for this time is one of profound truths and a pull to find deeper meaning so you may experience your mind wanting to overanalyze. If this happens just remind yourself that everything always works out and you will have the information and know the answers at just the right time for you.

Use the intense energy to strengthen your relationship to the spirit realm and to your higher self by trusting the power of the unknown.

Here are some easy ways to harness the vibration of this New Moon:

  1. Set intentions as soon as you wake up so you will be in harmony with the cosmic flow.
    • First thing in the morning, before you even open your eyes, connect to Source Energy by having a conversation with the Divine or saying an affirmative prayer.
    • As if you are talking to you best friend, express what you desire for the day.
    • Focus on how you want to feel more than what you need to accomplish.
    • Ask Spirit to show you signs during the day to remind you that you are indeed connected to something magical and it’s always working for you.
    • Make note of the signs and acknowledge your connection by saying thank you.
  2. Write a note to your Higher Self about your loftiest desires.
    • Go big with your wish list. Remember this New Moon celebrates your biggest dreams!
    • Once you have completed the letter fold it up, light a candle and take about 15 minutes to meditate on what you wrote.
    • Once you have completed your meditation, open the letter and read it from the perspective of your Higher Self. Notice how you feel. Let the love you have for yourself come through and allow your Higher Self to give permission for the manifestation of your dreams.
    • Burn the letter with the flame of the candle knowing that as the paper burns your dreams are being locked into the ethers and will be made manifest now!
  3. Have some fun!

Where there is Pisces energy there is psychic connection. The synchronicities, and uncanny connections during this time will propel you to greater truths and the manifestation of your goals, dreams and desires.

When you allow any uncertainty you feel to be your invitation to Trust the Unknown you will find the magic in each moment.

Published by Stacey Justis

I am a spiritual intuitive, musician, writer, tarot card reader, energy healer and lover Listed in Goop Guide as“Refreshingly laid-back and smart, equal parts straight-up psychic and intuitive life coach.”

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