My Fullest Expression

At the beginning of every year I set an intention. I have been doing this now for 4 years. I found that I don’t do well with resolutions – anything I can resist I will! I am learning what works for me in regard to goal setting and I do well with setting an intention instead of a hard and fast resolution.

I started doing this my second year into working as a Hypnotherapist/Intuitive Coach. I was invited to do a talk at a women’s breakfast, and because it was the beginning of the year, all of the attendees were asked to share what they wanted for the coming year. When my turn came I stood up and proclaimed “I want to be paid to be my true authentic self.” Up to that point, I was still doing administrative work on the side to subsidize my business so my goal was to fully support myself with my own business of being a Spiritual Intuitive and Energy Healer. That year my business did well enough that I was able to let go of my duties as an EA.

The next year I decided to take my intentions deeper so I kicked it up a notch. The goal became “to be paid handsomely to be my authentic self.” By late January of that year, I was referred to and did an intuitive reading for Arielle Charnas from Something Navy.  She is a hugely popular blogger and influencer and because she shared her story of the reading I did with her, as well as being listed in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Guide my business was pushed into another stratosphere and I got paid handsomely for my work last year!

This year 2018, I set a different intention, I stated to the Universe that I wanted to live a fully expressed life for the highest good of All. Well, that turned everything on its head. I didn’t realize what that would mean for my life when I set the intention I just knew I wanted to be and share more of myself, share more of my gifts to help more people and I wanted to feel deeply fulfilled in the way that I express myself. I look back on this year and the changes in my life have been really profound. Even I couldn’t have predicted them!

This year I was offered a music distribution deal, wrote, recorded and released an album, broke up a seven-year relationship and moved by myself into the woods…

Because of the intention I set for myself this year, I revealed one of the aspects of my expressive self that I had negated – music…

I am thankful to myself as I review this recent past. Thankful that I said yes to the opportunity I received in the form of a music digital distribution deal because I never would have done an album if this offer had not presented itself. Thankful for beautiful clients who are on their own journeys of discovery and thankful for the gift of being able to help them grow and heal, while I grow and heal!

Before I had left music behind and ultimately became a Hypnotherapist/Intuitive Coach I had done a couple of albums, sang on national commercials, etc. I had also been singing on Sundays at the Spiritual Center I attend, but I didn’t think I would ever do another album.

When this offer came in March of this year to work with great producers to create an album of my own music I had to say yes. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, I just knew what the Universe was giving me an opportunity to express myself, which is my intention!

In September I released my album JUSTIFIED. Interestingly, the whole of the album is actually the story of this year.

Through this process of living my fullest expression, I left a relationship I was in for 7 years and it was not pretty. I made some decisions that I would advise all of my clients against. I moved through so much confusion and pain. I thought before this year that this relationship was going to be my last relationship. Even though we weren’t married we talked about growing old together, it was comfortable, predictable and stable. Who, in their right mind, would leave that?

I knew though, that I had to make a change because I was “putting up with” things, I was finding myself settling and shutting down. I wasn’t expressing myself, As I continued to write and record the songs I was experiencing myself as bigger than I had allowed myself to be in a long time. Long story short, I packed up my stuff and moved to a small two bedroom cabin (my best friend calls it a chalet!!) in the high desert outside of Los Angeles.

As I contemplate what has unfolded this year, I am still grieving the loss of the relationship. I do find myself in tears at times wondering who the hell I think I am making such a bold move? I do know that I must continue to honor my heart and in doing so more questions arise – what is my fullest expression? I have so much more to share so I give it to the universe and let it guide me to the next chapter as I continue to hold space for this unfolding.

I challenge you to set an intention for yourself right now and then watch how the Universe conspires to bring it to life.

Published by Stacey Justis

I am a spiritual intuitive, musician, writer, tarot card reader, energy healer and lover Listed in Goop Guide as“Refreshingly laid-back and smart, equal parts straight-up psychic and intuitive life coach.”

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