Probing Pisces

Dreamy, emotional psychic, and subconscious all describe the energy of Pisces. February 19th starts the season of the fish, and with it comes the dip into dark waters of the unknown. One version of the mythological story of Pisces states that Aphrodite (Venus) and her son Eros (Cupid) transformed themselves into fish to escape theContinueContinue reading “Probing Pisces”

February Fog

In the Northern hemisphere, February 1st marks the midway point between the Winter Solstice (12/21/19) and the Spring Equinox (3/19/20). This time of year is known as Imbolc, also called Brigid’s Day. In Gaelic tradition, this symbolizes the beginning of spring! We are beginning to sense the arrival of spring or at the bare minimum,ContinueContinue reading “February Fog”