
Some people say affirmations work, some people say they don’t. And there are a lot of experts who will tell you all of the reasons why both scenarios can be true. 

What I know for sure is that affirmations have helped me!

I find affirmations are a simple way to confirm what I desire for my relationship with myself (my internal life), which in turn affects my daily experience(my outer life).

Of course, all of us would prefer to have positive thoughts running through our heads. Unfortunately, many of us have been taught to affirm negative words (as a form of self-preservation). These words became patterns of thought. To change this we just need to upgrade our internal dialogue. Doesn’t it seem clear that if you are merely “used to” focusing on the negative words the way you change the thoughts is to choose different words? Sounds pretty easy to me!!

In the forming of those new thoughts, our biggest challenge is to overcome the old ones because our mind has been literally programmed to keep the old thoughts on the same neverending repeat and is resistant to changing the record.


When you reiterate your affirmation with consistency your mind will grab onto those words and then eventually those words replace the old thoughts. It’s similar to how a song gets stuck your head. I will actually make my affirmations into a song or rhyme for that purpose – it becomes easier to remember. Plus it’s fun!

Thoughts played over and over in our mind become beliefs and beliefs show up in our biological system as feelings.

Repeating positive affirmations will cause our nervous system to experience more upbeat feelings, which in turn affects our mood and overall sense of well-being.

Find an affirmation that resonates with you and experiment by repeating it periodically throughout your day, then just notice how you feel. Do it again the next day, and again, and notice how you feel. Then do it again! And before you know it your mind will be playing a much better tune!

Here are a couple of my favorites affirmations. Please share yours!



Published by Stacey Justis

I am a spiritual intuitive, musician, writer, tarot card reader, energy healer and lover Listed in Goop Guide as“Refreshingly laid-back and smart, equal parts straight-up psychic and intuitive life coach.”

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